The Paradox.

Find the right path.

The landscape of the human experience has shifted so radically in only a few short months. From inheriting, in just a single generation, the most abundant, wealthy, materialistic, safe, and free world that has ever existed that we have been educated to believe. As a collective, we own large dwellings, drive luxury cars, venture on exotic holidays and eat fine foods from all over the world. On the face of it, it is a good life right......

But here lies the paradox. There is a deep, dark undercurrent within the collective consciousness of disconnection, dis-satisfaction, sadness, and an empty longing that grips our inner world- and that appears to be crushing our spirits. Depression, anxiety, and dis-ease are plaguing the lives of a record number of people and our conventional approaches to treatment appear to only compound the issues further in a myriad of ways. We have to ask ourselves:

What sort of environment is it that makes us so sick??

For the individual and the collective, 2020 and the pandemic has exasperated and magnified these deep-seated destructive conditions of being. Family units are collapsing, friendship circles and families are turning on each other and the level of people suffering loneliness, depression, and suicide have spiked in overwhelming numbers.

This is a difficult paradox to traverse...​

The conventional approach to treatment and support neglects energetic, physical, emotional, and spiritual blockages within our subtle bodies. Culturally we rarely overcome the traumas we suffer. Often, the consumption of endless pharmaceutical medication numbs the pain. Or other destructive habits and addictions form as an escape, leading to further consequences. These traumas can begin as early as conception, throughout pregnancy, childhood into adulthood. We even carry trauma in our DNA from many incarnations before this one. There seem to be very few linear solutions to this dark plague and even fewer safe spaces where we can work through these traumas and break free from their prison. We need a place bathed in love, compassion, and most importantly where we can trigger our Inner Intelligent Healing Mechanism.

“There is a seeking for something more, but less.”

— Leon Emmett

Alchemy of Life is that safe space.

In West Malling, Kent, a very special, sacred space has been created where I share my powerful gifts in One to One and Group settings. Integrative Breathwork, Sacred Sound Healing, Gong Baths, Yoga, Meditation, and indigenous Kambo healing ceremonies are offered with love. Bespoke healing and mentoring programs can be developed to suit an individual, where we use a variety of modalities to help rediscover the sparkle of life and move towards wholeness once again.

As we continue to awaken as a species, we are being called right now to do the shadow work, to eliminate the many streams of damaged DNA lineage that reside within us. Now is the time, in our lifetime to wipe the slate clean and start again. The decaying remnants of the old world, the old you are creating the most vibrantly fertile foundations for the creation of the new world and self, full of love and kindness, compassion, and Freedom. This new garden paradise needs new leaders, free from corrupt systems of belief and behaviours


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